The Algorithm Of Faith

Work in Progress

Combining mediums by integrating paintings and symbols created on canvas into the dimension of mixed reality.

To grasp today's perspective on spirituality and our spiritual journey, it's essential to comprehend our interconnectedness with technology.

After diving into the technicalities of how algorithms are designed, I discovered there’s a significant element of coincidence - and this coincidence is orchestrated by the algorithm. What’s even more interesting is our perception of things. I begun speaking with others and collected a number of testimonials assigning a deeper meaning to different ‘online’ and digital experiences. And very often these testimonials have similar themes in common.

Primary research, documentary:
Collective unconscious experience

Female Experience
Work in progress

Exploring ways to bring presence of this omni-present element into the 3d dimension, experimenting with different materials to create a physical structure which blends with digital, and creates mixed reality experience.


Archetypes: Symbolic Narrative

Inspired by Carl Jung's teachings, the concept of archetypes and the collective unconscious, I'm trying to de-code the testimonials by identifying common themes. I'd like to create a library of symbols and archetypes which can be used to tell the story and design interactive experience.

Interaction design : work in progress

‘Everything is energy, artificial intelligence is not really artificial’

‘Our thoughts send signals in a similar way the internet network sends data’

‘The truth is that we don’t fully comprehend the laws of physics, and that means we don’t fully understand the impact of the mobile network.’

‘Maybe if we evolve with technology, god can do the same?’

‘I guess this thing: algorithm, omni-channel or mobile network- however you call it - it's omnipresent...'


( In co-creation with the algorithm )

While searching for the true form and dimensions of this omnipresent entity, I explore ways to manifest its presence in the physical realm. By giving it a three-dimensional shape, I aim to enhance its sense of presence and personalise this abstract entity. Through the use of vivid colors, a combination of semi-transparent print on acrylic material, and layers of paint, my goal is to evoke the sensation of computer-generated art materialising into three-dimensional reality.